GH2 India Roundtable Discussion

Enabling Renewable Energy Integration through Long Duration Energy Storage Roundtable Discussion | 1st July 2024 | GPCL Office, Gandhi Nagar, Gujarat 

As the energy landscape evolves, integrating renewable energy effectively into our power systems is becoming increasingly crucial. Long Duration Energy Storage (LDES) technologies are at the forefront of this transformation, enhancing grid capacity, supporting renewable integration, and facilitating green hydrogen production. 

This roundtable aims to explore these technologies, discuss their deployment strategies, and understand their role in a sustainable energy future.

 Lead Discussants : 

  1. Mr. Arun Mahesh Babu, IAS, MD, GPCL Context Setting
  2. Ms. Julia Souder, CEO of the LDES Council, - Overview of Long-Duration Energy Storage Technologies and Their Applications - Technical Challenges and Innovations and Strategies for Accelerating Market Development 
  3. Mr. Nishaanth Balashanmugam, Director at Green Hydrogen Organisation, - The interplay between green hydrogen production and energy storage solutions. - Strategies to accelerate the adoption of green hydrogen in conjunction with LDES technologies.

Jul 01 2024 00:00

Gujarat, India

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